Transport for all in the Vale of Clwyd

The Welsh Labour Government has suspended all future road building. The three projects set to benefit North Wales have now been abandoned by the Welsh Government despite their pre-election pledge to invest in key road networks across North Wales. Our roads are vital for delivering prosperity across the Vale of Clwyd, to the economy and communities. 

Public transport seems to have been forgotten in North Wales. Whilst millions are being spent on the South Wales Metro to provide a joined up public transport system people in North Wales have been left behind once again. People cannot avoid driving on our already congested roads if there is no suitable option for sustainable transport. 

Llannerch Bridge 

In January 2021 flood water from Storm Christoph destroyed the historic Llannerch Bridge between Trefnant and Tremerichion. Work has not yet begun on fixing the bridge, with it not set to start until Summer 2023 over two years after communities were separated. 

Whilst the repair work is on hold, the historic bridge is falling further into disrepair and falling into the riverbed. Local residents have to drive several miles out of their way to  pass through the area, which is not only inconvenient but has an environmental impact. This is not acceptable. If you'd like to join my campaign calling on the Welsh Government, Denbighshire County Council and Natural Resources Wales to act now before further damage is done get in touch

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Call for action - Repair Llannerch Bridge!

The historic Llannerch Bridge between Trefnant and Tremeirchion collapsed due to the floodwaters of Storm Christoph in January 2021. The current estimated date for repairs to begin is summer 2023, this is not acceptable. Presently local residents have to drive several miles out of their w


One year on, still no Llannerch Bridge

A year after the devasting Storm Cristoph obliterated the historic Llannerch Bridge, Vale of Clwyd MS - Gareth Davies - again calls upon Welsh Government to prioritise its rebuilding. During Ministerial Questions in the Senedd Gareth called upon the Welsh Government to provide funding and support t